Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Adding to the Noise

Hello blogosphere, we meet again. The last time we talked I was determined to keep in contact, to write daily posts and to build up a vast following of dedicated readers who would comment on my insightful posts and send me tweets and/or treats.  Blogging? Easy!  Everyone does it! People’s grandmothers are doing it!  It only took about a month or so for my attempt to look like this:


Not exactly a Webby winner.  But. Here I am with another attempt: Potholes and Seagulls is me adding my bit of noise to the cacophony and I am good at making noise. I currently live and work in Lorain, Ohio- a city that also happens to be hometown- so many of my posts will be centered on local matters (or how I see local matters).  I plan to have videos, book reviews and bi-weekly standards: spotlights of volunteer opportunities and social service agencies as well as Story Corps inspired interviews with local residents. I believe that everyone has a story to tell and every story helps to explain the world. 

I don’t plan on my grammar being perfect 100% of the time; watch out for misspellings.  I don’t expect readers to agree with me 100% of the time, but I am hopeful for constant dialogue between myself and others.  So comment (or e-mail, tweet, facebook, send me a letter)!  Send me ideas for stories, profiles or guest posts.  Or: just navigate to this blog once a day so I can feel good when I read my Google Analytics report.


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